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ger stereotypes and sexual archetypes lady since i am going now beneath the earth as my last entreaty i ask you to care for my orphaned children marry my son to a loving wife and give my daughter a noble husband.and may they not like their mother perish untimely but live out their lives in happiness in their ancestral land. ask a ger therapist how do i know if im transger how do i know if im transger? note this vo was originally m in 2014 and ive learned a lot since then as a ger therapist. there are some phrases and terms i used in the vo that i wanted to revise so i did so in the transcript below march 2016 ger stereotypes are messing with your kid common ger stereotypes are messing with your kid. its not just one movie. its not just one tv show. its constant exposure to the same dated concepts in the media over and over starting before preschool and lasting a lifetime concepts like boys are smarter than girls certain jobs are best for men and others for women and even that girls are responsible for their own sexual assaults.

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